Haven’t we met?

Thank you for visiting my site!

My name is Andrea, but most people in my life call me Drea. I started DivinelyHooked in a last-ditch attempt to find something that would keep both my mind and my body busy. 2020 and the years following it was a scary time and I needed something to help me through.

While it started as just something to keep myself busy, I quickly realized that not only was I good at it, but my little apartment couldn’t hold everything I was creating! I started giving my creations away to friends and family members. After some gentle and not-so-gentle prompting, I started selling what I was making to the people in my neighborhood using the NextDoor app.

This website represents the next step in my journey to creating a life I love. I hope you find something that really speaks to you here and that it brings you as much joy and peace as making it brought me.